Rocky Ridge Boarding School  Friday, March 31, 2023 Northern Arizona University
University Union - Havasupai Room

The Four Corners Science and Computing Club (4CSCC) had the pleasure of hosting Rocky Ridge Boarding School at the NAU mountain campus.  A live demonstration 4CSCC lessons that introduced students to the world of scientific computing, environmental education, and the world of STEM.  Our demo started with an introduction and presentation by Franklin Stewart, leading to a discussion to spark their scientific minds. 

The Rocky Ridge students assembled the portable Raspberry Pi 400 stations, this has been popular amongst previous groups.  Students then interacted in the Raspbian OS and programming software (Scratch/Thonny) to blink LEDs and manipulate environmental and atmospheric data sensors.  Feedback revealed students’ interest in air quality and its interaction with our physical surroundings.  One student mentioned their intrigue about programming within the computer and the science behind manipulating the environmental sensors.  Students even discovered that some snacks they were eating emitted volatile organic compounds (VOCs). 

        The workshop was organized by staff from the Four Corners Science and Computing Club (4CSCC), the Environmental Education Outreach Program (EEOP) which is a part of the Institute for Tribal and Environmental Professionals (ITEP), and the Cultural and Academic Research Experience (CARE).  Members presented the relevance of scientific computing in their specialized fields – ranging from biological, environmental, and computer sciences.  Professional speakers motivated students by sharing how scientific computing benefits communities and career opportunities.  Our team encouraged students about higher education at NAU and exclaimed its bright future for academic and professional benefits Native American students. 

Overall, the event exposed students to scientific computing and its use in extensive fields.  Their experience manipulating sensors by applying their scientific minds was a popular outcome.  Most students expressed joy in setting up the hardware, this gave them more control that enabled full attention and participation.

See additional photos of our Rocky Ridge event below: